Making your life easier so you can Serve Orlando.

We provide easy and affordable ways to serve by taking care of lodging, meals, and scheduling logistics that connect your group with meaningful opportunities to serve.



Thank you for stopping by – we’re so grateful that you’re here. Check out our services below and click to learn more. We’re here to serve you and help you serve our community.

  • Are you ready to serve for the day? We can set up 1-2 sites for you based on your availability.

  • Serve 1-2 sites each day over the weekend or take advantage of week-long mission trips.

  • Most week-long groups arrive on a Sunday, serve 2 sites per day (Monday-Thursday), and take the day off on Friday to play at one of our many attractions.

  • There are a couple of different lodging options to choose from and we walk you through all possible options!

  •  “Serve Orlando was a fantastic experience for our students and volunteers! We loved getting to be the hands and feet of Jesus in the Orlando community. This experience was filled with various work projects, it was well-organized, and we truly enjoyed every second! This was the perfect leap into servant ministry for our middle school students and it was wonderful for our volunteer team as well! We plan to return next summer and we’re looking forward to it!”

    — Allison V.

  • “The importance of treating others as if they are equal, regardless of what they do or don’t have- the homeless were always referred to as “clients” to give them importance.”

    — Zane T. (student)

  • "I was surprised by the little things such as mail that we were able to help with at the Christian Service Center. I did not realize how much of a privilege it is to get mail sent to my home address."

    — Lucy M. (student)

  • "I didn’t realize how desperate some people were to find shelter and food and how much they truly appreciated our help."

    — Brooke B. (student)